>>4399956based anything but panasonicer
>official /p/ camera rankings ahead>CANON, OUR LORD IN TOKYOGod tier colors, god tier lenses, god tier autofocus, god tier specs, if you think you need more you've never shot professionally in your life. Best pancake lens, compact retro coming up. Snoy BTFO.
>SNOYOk colors, at least now, at least the lenses are small, second best autofocus, good specs on charts but disappoints REAL professionals every time, ass ergonomics designed for whiny little "hobbyists" that should fuck off back to fujifilm already and leave the four figure cameras to people that regularly mount a speedlight and trinity zoom. Cameras made before the a7iv are essentially unusable and should be thrown away. Lenses not badged G or GM are trash.
>NIGGONOverly vibrant and bright version of sony colors, oversized lenses, even their best camera can't focus as well as snoy's entry level FF, lenses are excessively sterile and overweight, just not as good as canon ever, only liked by low budget wildlife photographers
>FUJIFILMBasically just worse nikon now
>PANASONICEssentially unusable except as a second rate cinema camera with a manual focus lens made by someone other than panasonic
>OM SYSTEM, PENTAXLol. Let's teleport back to 2010, and maybe you'll find something that's "good for the money".