>>4400831I can't post it because it would just be a white screen. I was shooting landscapes in Theodore Roosevelt National Park when I came cross two bison in a little grove type situation. Perfectly framed by the trees, badlands in the background, an immaculate shot. I was on my very last sheet of 4x5, set up the monorail on the tripod with my truck bed between me and the bison (it amazes me that idiots will actually try to get close to these things and fuck with them, they're almost as dangerous as moose), got everything framed and focused perfectly, pulled the dark slide, took the shot, then went to put the dark slide back in and it jammed. Fucking idiot that I am, when I loaded the film holder, I didn't get the sheet of film under one of the rails, so when I pulled the dark slide the sheet fell forward into the camera, and there was no way to get it out without exposing it. Not that there would have been anything on there anyway, as it probably fell forward before I even took the shot.
Now when loading I shake the film holders upside down in the changing bag every time before closing the dark slide to make sure the sheet is under the rails.