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No.4402789 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How did photographers for nat geo shoot slide film? did they carry external light meters? Did they bracket everything? did everyone use to bracket everything during the AE-1 and k1000 and kodachrome days? the only time I ever shot slide film I had some images exposed fine, but a decent number under exposed by less than a stop. something that isn't an issue on that camera with negative film and an issue I've only had with negative film when using disposable cameras or shooting in a dark concert with a point and shoot (and even then most of them that were in focus were fine). the thing annoying about that specific SLR is the meter displays in full stops and the shutter is in full stops, so to bracket I'd need to shoot manual so I can change the apertures by half a stop while maintaining shutter speed. And if I bracket I get 5 shots instead of 15. That is the one thing good about shooting digishit instead, I can just hold down the shutter and not care