>>4405344No, he is correct. Tech upgrade, SOVL downgrade. Less grip is always better feeling for compact ILCs no matter how much the people putting wedding zooms on a vacation camera complain.
>>4405368No sony has ever had interval shooting refocus and never will. You're meant to use a phone app or remote control to trigger af-s and then start the timer instead of walking into the frame after the timer starts. Because that's the more "professional" way, and they expect all timer users are landscape photographers or diving into an existing group shot. They have been doing this since the mavicas.
Asking sony for this feature would be like asking canon for a camera with full frame DR instead of forced NR. Its just not how they do things. And they are japanese. They are all about the way they do things. If apple wanted, they could kill this entire industry with just one product line but they'd lose face on a blatant admission that an iphone isn't a sufficient camera.