>shit body >shit look >shit face >shit promo >shit wrestling >lazy >entitled >self mark who wore his own non WWE approved merch in the PC and backstage 24/7 and even tried to sell it to wrestlers and management >constantly on his phone during promo class >always late to practice and rehearsals >does nothing but watch anime and go on social media backstage during shows >tried to explain his "gimmick" to Shawn and Hunter by having them watch a 20 minute Geekdom 101 video about Dragon Ball Super while he sat there with a smirk on his face >is specifically paired with Joe Gacy and explicitly told to learn from him and look up to him as a mentor to improve in all facets of wrestling but instead of taking notes and learning from him he never went to any of the meetings set up by management with Joe Gacy to work on his skills and barely even talked let alone hang out with Joe Gacy outside of tapings >goes up to talent while they're in the middle of working out to ask them to take pictures of him showing off his thighs >was asked explicitly to lose weight and stick to a professionally regimented nutrition plan from the in house nutritionist but ignores it and barely worked out outside of doing squats and leg presses >told talent and management that if he wasn't destined for greatness then he would have started his career in the indies >goes into the PC just to take pictures and tense in front of the mirror >does his pose constantly backstage even when he's not taking pictures >would kiss Hunter and Shawn's ass when they actually give him advice only for him to disregard everything they tell him while telling the other talent that "Vince pays my bills not DX." even though the advice and instructions Hunter and Shawn were being relayed from Vince himself >told senior NXT talent and one higher up that he can't wait to leave NXT so he can party around the country when he gets called up >still thinks he's God's gift to wrestling
>Taylor Howard >Kristen Johnson >Rachel Leigh Cook >Melissa-Joan Hart >Alanis Morrisette >Scarlett Johansson >Jessica Biel >Blake Lively >cheated in most of them >carnied Hollywood, the NFL and Taylor Swift simultaneously Is Ryan Reynolds the CM Punk of cinema?
its very obvious to me that hhh intentionally keeps people off tv or in backstage segments that he doesn't want outpopping his handpicked favorites. its the only thing that makes sense in regards to alpha academy, bron breakker, dom mysterio, a-town down under, alexa bliss, new day, dragon lee's booking
The funny thing is that people think Rock is playing Cody when it's really Cody playing Rock up until now. Cody got back into the ME hotter than ever, won in a match much huger than it would have been otherwise due to everyone involved, is having a year-long reign, and back to being the most interesting angle leading into Mania with people wanting to see him against a multitude of people, including Rock, Cena, Punk, Orton, etc... Meanwhile Rock got some consolation belt from Ali's mom because Cornette introduced Rock to Ali in Louisville, and is trying to dodge the match and enlist Cody instead. Rock is trying to convince everyone, including himself that he has the upper hand, and at the same time shake Cody's confidence and convince him that Rock has something for him. Now, due to the year-long build of the title coming in between all his bonds with people (with Cena and Randy still to come, Jey and Sami teased), it's the perfect time for Rock to strike when he thinks that Cody is ready to just say fuk it, if the title means I can't have anybody truly on my side, and I'm going to lose everyone anyway, I might as well sign a deal with the Devil and go all the way with this, because being altruistic amounts to jack in the end and everything goes to shit. I did whatever it took to get this title and how can I tell myself now that I won't do whatever it takes to keep it and gain even more. At the same time, Rock turning on Cody plays off him always try to seem like he's Cody's friend, like in the press conference, because now people will feel like he is truly trying to screw him, both in kayfabe and for a shoot since he was being a fake motherfuker. Codeman Rock chemistry is really unreal and leads to amazing storylines where even if nobody planned some of the shit it just works when they are together and becomes its own thing.