Quoted By:
>Ah, much better! so many coats lost to the laundry and so little time. Oh, is it intermission again?
>Welp, then I guess it's time for din-din everyone! Renny found the biggest swine I ever did see! And it's all ours!
*All the brothers run out of the room to eat. But Kryptine stays...*
>What's the matter? Not hungry?
RRR*sniff*RRAAaaaa! *shakes head* MM!-MmM-MM-MM!
>Come now, you've got to keep up your strength. After all, this'll be you on the televison reaaal soon, and we want you to be goood! We want to see you RIIIIP and TEEEAR these lowlives' head off!!
>Yeees, come on now my darling. We know your brothers rarely leave leftovers!
EEE? Eaaaaat...tt...*looks back at TV and deeply growls* HMMMMMM....Hmmmm...ffff...wwwwho-oorrr....whores....