>>9278616>cut 70% of the roster, Young Bucks, Nyla, Orange Cassidy and all those stinkies included>turn Moxley heel>make Omega the face of the company>move Darby to the main event>disband the lucha bros and build up Penta to get him back to his Pentagon Dark days>make Sammy join rush in a ingobernables 2.0 faction, Rush turns on Andrade and let's his new right hand Sammy handle him (Andrade and Sammy had some brief feud on twitter or something last year)>the womens division is nothing but joshi to boost then ratings with joshi pedo bait>less smark shit like the hundred false counts, flips and long ass boring matches. keep the lenghty and gimmick matches exclusive to ppvs so fans have a reason to buy the ppvs>maybe throw a random cage match on dynamite every once in a while like in the good old days of smackdown Idk what else i can do, i know little about aew