>>9308703I like Miyako Matsumoto
> you mean Granny Matsumoto (37) who works a second job?I still like her.
> nobody discusses this player or her games here or in Japan.I saw her last PURE-J match it was good she's funny
> Are you looking for peer approval from Chris Brookes because wrong thread> sniff Miyako pits> fooT game?> This is a player on the ring in a game that should have joined Stardom 6 years ago!Do you have mental illness?
> I'm an asshole with an undiagnosed social disorder.Get it diagnosed maybe?
>here is a pic of your cousin's neices prom and her boyfriend and he lives in Camden, NJ! [pic of Riho from 2005] I'm completely sane!Facebook is still a thing but who looks for strangers random family members?
> Stop looking for peer approval for liking a comedy wrestler who hit the wall 5 years ago.Miyako still kinda cute though...