Quoted By:
As one example of McMahon’s extreme depravity, on May 9, 2020, he defecated
on Ms. Grant during a threesome, and then commanded her to continue pleasuring his “friend”—
with feces in her hair and running down her back—while McMahon went to the bathroom to
shower off. Upon his return from the bathroom, McMahon and his “friend” actively resumed the
threesome, which lasted over an hour and a half, while Ms. Grant remained covered in McMahon’s
filth. When McMahon’s “friend” left, McMahon ordered her to stay and to continue to sexually
gratify him.
21. In June 2021, McMahon and Defendant Laurinaitis sexually assaulted Ms. Grant
inside Laurinaitis’ office in WWE headquarters while colleagues were busy at their desks. Behind
a locked door, the two men cornered her and pulled her in between them, forcibly touched her,
before ultimately putting her on top of a table in between them. She begged them to stop, but they
forced themselves on her, each taking turns restraining her for the other, while saying “No means
yes” and “Take it, bitch.”