>>9788823Owen was a sacrifice
Over the Edge was a Masonic ritual
>Undercarder's cryptic promo vignette>Owen was supposed to job to the Godfather >the last words from Jim Ross' mouth while Owen was falling was "Listen to this">Owen died while his entrance and promo are playing, "Why me?">Bobby Talbert, the main rigging guy never faced any charges and eventually became Dwayne's main stunt rigger/coordinator in Hollywood to this day>he also rigged Jhon's WWE/Hollywood flicks>WWE didn't get cancelled by TV networks despite national media attention>WWE went public months after Owen's death and made billions>the Attitude era also kickstarted and Owen's death was largely forgotten and swept under the rug because of this era, only reopened when Crispin Wah brutally murdered and crossfaced his kid kek kwab