Quoted By:
>Rubbed bellies
>Rubbed leather
>Rode the little man in the boat
>Rubbed his cooze till he oozed
>Rubba Dub Dubbed
>Rubbed Johnny
>Rubbin his Nubbin
>Rubbed Uglies
>Rug ratted
>Rumpus Delcti'd
>Rumple Foreskinned
>Runned the batch
>Rushed the can
>Russian ducked
>Rusty washed
>Rabbit pied
>Raised the flag
>Raked the leaves
>Ram jobbed
>Rammed Bammed Thank-You-Ma'am'd
>Rap Parloured
>Raspberry Tarted
>Reached the big O
>Read poetry
>Receiver General'd
>Red Baron'd
>Red flagged
>Red Lobster'd
>Red Sea'd
>Red Light Sister'd
>Retreated to the holiest of holies
>Reverend Knox'd
>Reverse Cowgirl'd
>Redingote d'Angleterre
>Reeled in the biscuit
>Rode the baloney pony
>Rode the bitch's seat
>Rode the elephant trunk of joy
>Roasted chestnuts
>Rode up for repairs
>Rocked the python
>Rolled the fleshy blunt
>Ripped off a quick piece
>read the rites of Venus
>Rocked the road less travelled
>Rode a rosey red reproductive rod
>Ruined the rug
>Russian salad partied
>Round mouthed
>Route 69'd
>Royal bunsed