>>11635703You sir, and I say the word "sir" with all sincerity cause you're in denial of your gender, can suck Roman's dick from the back all you want. That no dime having rat goof shitter bitch is in no way shape or form in the same breath in the conversation about who the all time greats of the sport are. Real men do not cry in the ring when they lose a wrestling, and actual non-shitters don't fumble a fucking tombstone-reversal spot at a WrestleMania main event. Nor do they have to rely on the nepotism of their better predecessors to get ahead in the industry. Butt-boy Roman does.
>Ya seethe?>Ya bubbling?>Ya boiling?Oughta start calling you Homer, cause you a Simp, son. Now I'm sorry you dickride such a panty waist of a "wrestler", but real men don't make boo-boo faces in the ring. Not like you would know anything about being a real men or could even recognize one when you see one.
It's now time for you to walk away from the adults talking and stop walking into fucking women's bathrooms.