>>9827252>[Lillith was expecting to find White Girl, maybe even with Blonde Girl. But Lillith was not expecting what she found: a flock of sheep. The animals barely acknowledge the monstrous form before them, aside from a few stray bleats. Lillith is stunned]:Not... White Girl? Lillith not expect... fluffy dog? Kind of cute. But if not White Girl, where can--
>[Lillith notices something lying in the middle of the flock. A jacket and a shirt lie on the ground, one sheep absent mindedly chewing on them. The ground is disturbed in a trail leading away, and with no other leads, Lillith begins to follow it.]Lillith confused. Lillith need find White Girl. White Girl find Blonde Girl. Lillith find Red. Lillith need find Red.
(Not sure what happened after Sweet Dreams/Kumome, and Strapz, so I'll wait for an update before Lillith continues. But she's red-hot on the trail.)