The lamest storylines revolve around wrestling or “professional wrestling”
Anonymous No.11815040 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Ever notice these feuds only attract nerds? It usually revolves who is more dedicated to the “business” . It also does this weird thing of acting as if this is real, not in a kayfabe sense but in a 4th wall sense . They will bring up real life events like someone getting cut or not getting over . As if that makes sense to any average Joe.
These feuds are usually found in mark/indy feds but pop up in wwe/nxt too. The only people who can relate to this shit is nerds of the hobby . There is no love story, there is no sense of competition or even stakes , it’s just lame gatekeeping .
Baby face promo
> I’ve been in this business MUH whole life!
> this is the SPORT of professional wrestling!
> I worked my ass off!
> some reference to your childhood watching wrestling
> the fed didn’t see anything in me but you people do!
Heel promo
> you got fired from XYZ because you couldn’t cut the mustard!
> yeh remember that failed gimmick of yours? That really worked huh?
> I’m gonna teach you what it means to be dedicated to the sport of professional wrestling
> the sport doesn’t need trash like you take it back to the fed!
In essence this is Moxs entire gimmick outside of WWE and the BCC. Daniel Bryan relies on this shit too.