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WWE positives
>Tradition and history, really the only remnant of an old territory still existing
>Billion dollar company so they have the money to invest in their show, basically unlimited potential budget
WWE Negatives
>Kevin Dunn, everything about his production style/camera work is nauseating and looks like a straight-to-DVD F-tier action movie schlock with the shaky cam shit. Just piss awful, he alone makes it impossible to watch for me.
>Everything is scripted, almost 0 improvised/actual promos being cut. Guys can't show their actual personalities, most promos are written by Hollywood geeks who don't understand wrestling, so the lines aren't how anybody actually talks so people can't relate, and the wrestlers are just shit actors so they couldn't make it believable even if it WAS well-written. Just a terrible system from top to bottom that needs a complete quality overhaul, or just a retooling (unlikely considering scripted promos are a Stephanie thing)
AEW Positives
>Matches are given more time and wrestling is given more focus. Yes, I'm a filthy workrate fag and I enjoy actual wrestling on TV. Even if a lot of the AEW wrestling style is flippyshit/overly choreographed which I don't like, at least they focus showing pro wrestling.
>Promos. They exist in AEW and even if a lot of guys aren't great at them, I recognize that the only way for actual wrestling promos to survive in 2022 is for people to actually c ut them, even if they're shit. So I enjoy watching people sink/swim in AEW promos and it's nice to see guys get over (Like Eddie Kingston) off of promos alone more or less.
AEW Negatives
>Schizo booking. This is a legitimate complaint even though it's parroted by console warriors. Tony will make people look important and then they're just off TV without an explanation. Angles are sometimes dropped, sometimes they're fleshed out on the Youtube shows and referred to later, and most of all they DRAG ON WAY TOO FUCKING LONG.