>>10004220With clear anger in her body language the figure throws her knee forward, burying it against Violet's forehead before following the former IC champion down to the ground, laying into her with a barrage of punches, all aimed straight for the head with a closed fist.
About half a dozen punches later the woman get's up from Violet's body. Only to lift her up and throw her out of the ring.
Pulling her hood back she reveals her identity...
An enraged Maria McTavish, Mighty Milf stands in the ring, pacing back and forth. Taking one last glance at Ash she gives a slight smirk before following after Violet. Picking her up from the ground she takes Violet into a position for the Mother's Fury before planting her trough the Spanish annouce table, breaking the table. Gripping her hand around Violet's throat she leans in, fury in her words.
>You almost took EVERYTHING from me.Her hands tighten around Violet's windpipe.
>But you should have finished the job...Letting go off her hand, Maria get's back up on her feet, only to deliver a sickening stomp Violet's forehead before standing over her foe for a second.
Visibly inhaling and exhaling Maria hops over the barricade and leaves trough the crowd, not saying a word to anyone. No posing, no taunting. Her statement was made. A new theme playing in the background.