7.3 DDT KING OF DDT 2022 FINAL!! @ Korakuen Hall (LIVE)[11:30 JST]
matches start in 2 hours and 30 mins
dark matches start in 2 hours
https://www.wrestle-universe.com/lives/qWe9MY2kDp1AzZh6RfzNKtCard & Time Limits:
>1st Dark Game. 6-Person Tag Match. 10 minsEruption (Yukio Sakaguchi, Saki Akai, & Hideki Okatani) vs Toru Owashi & Soma Takao & Toi Kojima
>2nd Dark Game. 6-Man Tag Match. 10minsDAMNATION T.A (Daisuke Sasaki, MJ Paul, & KANON) vs Yuji Hino & Yukio Naya & Yuki Ishida
>Opening. 6-Man Tag Match. 30minsThe Pheromones (Yuki "Sexy" Iino, Danshoku "Dandy" Dino, & Imanari "Fantastic" Yumehito) vs Akito, Antonio Honda, & Kazuki Hirata
>2nd Game. KING OF DDT 2022 Semifinal. Unlimited TimeYuki Ueno vs Naomi Yoshimura
>3rd Game. KING OF DDT 2022 Semifinal. Unlimited TimeKazusada Higuchi vs Jun Akiyama
>4th Game. Tag Match. 30minsMasahiro Takanashi & HARASHIMA vs Burning (Yusuke Okada & Yuya Koroku)
>Semi-Final. Special Tag Match. 30mins37KAMIINA (MAO & Shunma Katsumata) vs Chris Brookes & Andrew "The Giant" Everett
>Main Event. KING OF DDT 2022 Final. Unlimited Time? vs ?
* The winner will be certified as the 79th KO-D Openweight Champion.
* The winner will receive 1,000,000 yen from
Casting.JP Inc., the distributor of DDT's official energy drink "BLACK OUT" as a prize.
>Tetsuya Endo, who has been sidelined due to a concussion, will be visiting the event. >Tetsuya Endo will be coming to the venue to give an update to the fans.