>>9752334Bret doesn't owe either organization jack shit. He's shat talked Hunter as a wrestler and a man and even said he dated and fucked trannies back in the day. Vince ain't in charge any more and he's got no reason to go back for anything.
Bret grew up watching wrestling, studying wrestling and actually DOING wrestling. To be a wrestler, it all starts with the basics on the mat, not on Nick and Matt's trampoline. Stampede ran for over 50 fucking years and it had one truck for the ring, one shitty van to carry as many wrestlers that can be crammed into it with no heat in -50 winters with 30 mph winds for miles on end with bald and tires and the whole thing is warmed up by Andre the Giant's beer farts. And they drew more dimes than AEW ever will and did it by having wrestling matches, not tossing someone carelessly through 30 tables and have them shatter their fucking bones to sawdust for a nonexistent TV rating pop. Seeing Moxley's drunk retarded ass shoving eating utensils into his forehead and being a Hep C candidate is embarrassing for everyone involved. Bret probably cares enough that the boys are getting paid, but is dissappointed in the direction wrestling went into and what its perceived as now.
Bret's right.