>>12392227A lot of people will say the Unbreakable match between Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels. While this is certainly a very good match, I always found it too choreographed for my tastes, the spots just slightly too crisp and prepared. I can absolutely do without the hackneyed title belt enzuigiri spot. That's more endemic of AJ and Christopher Daniels work though. Samoa Joe still has one of the all time greatest suicide dives in the match, back when that actually meant something.
It's cliche, but Angle vs Shawn at WM21 is the best match of the year. Angle at his absolute zenith, HBK can still go and more important WANTS to go because of the spotlight. The fantastic near falls you expect, real intensity (which was half shoot as Angle thought Shawn was taking liberties in the ring; see the bloody lip) Shawn being dickishly annoying at the start and Angle slowly getting frustrated. It's not blemishless. Shawn waits far too long after the Sweet Chin to cover, wanting to protect his finish. The ref is way too nervous and the counts are worse than Aubrey Edwards. But a sparkling, PPV stealing match, worth a rewatch any year.
Close runner up is Simon Dean vs Bobby Lashley at the August 13th SmackDown House Show in London, Ontario.