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I'm not good with the names of moves but I basically had my mate on my shoulders and was going to give him a 'One winged angel' kinda move (this was in 1998 or some shit) instead we can't find balance and I end up falling backwards and he cracks his head off a marble fireplace. I can still remember the noise it made. He just shakes it off and we play some Smackdown on his chipped PS1.
>well over a decade later
>drifted apart
>different schools
>mum bumps into his mum
>his mum: "Oh yeah he's not in a good place right now. He can't learn to drive because he has seizures and has memory issues and is struggling to find work. No one can figure out what happened but it was probably all the skateboarding he did as a kid :("
I still think it was our botched move desu.