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winners on the left, matchcard in chronological order, 2 nights. realistically this could be done
>hook vs jack perry vs starks vs swerve strickland vs takeshita (ftw championship)
>eddie kingston vs el vikingo vs ibushi (roh world championship)
night 1:
>punk vs omega
>jas' jericho, garcia, guevara vs house of black vs death triangle (trios championship)
>mercedes mone vs jade cargill (winner take all)
>bucks vs ftr lll (tag team championship) [steel cage]
>zsj vs danielson
>the acclaimed vs the hardyz vs edge & christian vs ass boys [ladder match] (no. 1 contendership for tag team championship)
>darby allin vs sting (sting's retirement match)
night 2:
>tanahashi vs oc (international championship)
>hangman vs osprey (no. 1 contendership for world championship)
>saraya w/ outsiders vs jamie hayter {dmd turns, thunder rosa returns} (women's championship)
>bcc's mox, claudio, yuta {regal returns} vs bullet club's juice robinson, adam cole, switchblade [anarchy in the arena]
>drew galloway vs okada
>wardlow vs luchasaurus vs hobbs vs samoa joe vs keith lee (tnt championship)
>mjf vs idk maybe cody if his contract expires and he doesn't re-sign? maybe goldberg? (world championship)