>>17051944>Forced to sell WWE and then thrown out of his own company. Has lawsuits up the assHe was literally hanging out with Trips and the rest of his family in the front seats at the Superbowl, retard. The lawsuits bother you more than it bothers him.
>The Real Americhud gets booed out of wrestling shows nowWWE brought him back just to work the californians into a shoot, and you too apparently. Hogan is doing better now than he has in the past like twenty years.
>Gives the WOAT pr answers. Booking the company into the groundYet the company is doing better and better despite your headcanon, meanwhile Tony gets booed at his own shows.
>Won't step out of the spotlight to the point no one wants to see him anymore Jericho left WWE and essentially disappeared from the universe. No one gives a fuck about this washed out fatass anymore.
>Went to wrestle somewhere else under a different name. Yeah surely it's that guyYou forgot the part where he went from one of the most beloved heels in WWE to Tony’s boytoy who’s idea of FUN is snapping your leg in half in a shitty and dimeless spot