>>8861901Because he had JR and Jim Cornette blowing smoke up his ass and convincing him he was the baddest man on the planet. They saw him beating up a drunk dude at the bar one night and from then on they were both 100 percent certain that he was the shootest tough guy to lace up a pair of boots. JR in particular was enamored with him because he played ball for the Oklahomo Coomers and won the collegiate All American dick grabbing championship three years running. He was absolutely convinced that Dr. Kwab could heem the shit out of anyone they put him in the ring with, even if they're competing in a sport that that he has no formal training in. To this day JR still thinks he's the toughest wrestler to ever live despite the evidence to the contrary. Cornette does as well, but then again, this is the same guy who thinks Roman Reigns could beat the shit out of Matt Riddle just because he's Samoan.