>>9762311>Speaking of Holly Hope-Again…>Hope-Again-san, when I sparred with you that fateful day, a seed was planted in me. A seed that said if YOU’RE the future of the WWA, based on your attitude alone? The league was doomed.>Now I see the whole system was already tainted. It's not you. A brave heroine in Amy Flame is now dancing with the likes of the Divine Angels. >What kind of “training facility” is this, that women like her and Lightning Nika would rather do WHO KNOWS WHAT with the subhuman Priscilla Divine or her revolting handmaids Nikki Kade and Sapphire?!>But unlike Karna, I won’t give up on the dojo. And unlike Hope-Again-san, I wouldn’t DARE imply that Karna didn’t have a single valid reason for leaving and act like everything’s fine. Because she does, and it isn’t.Shogun shakes her head.
>No. I’m taking a third option. I felt exactly how you felt, Karna, and it didn’t take cleaning the dojo as a platitude to make it happen.>So I’m reforming the dojo from the ground up. By showing the results of my training and the blessing of the kami with every woman I pin.>And that change starts by settling things with you, Karna-san.>I’m glad for CAMO’s safety. Really, I am. But to see you three, sitting there in the ring, sobbing over how cruel everyone is…>I said it before and I’ll say it again. I don’t care about your pasts. They’re the past. Let them STAY past.>You should be worrying about your new AO. The ring. Against me. >And if your friends try something funny like a bomb in a donation box at a shrine, I promise you a war that the greedy, selfish fools who contracted you could only DREAM of.>You and I. Falls Count Anywhere.>Or, if you’d like to bring your friends along, I’ll get Onigiri and…well, I’m sure I can find a third.>Maybe Hailey would like to try a sword instead of a gun this time?Shogun pauses, before snickering a little.
>…just kidding.>The only blood on my hands will be from me striking you, Karna-san. That's a promise.(2/3)