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Japanese fans are fully aware that Nakamura is fully out and washed and joshi fans don't want to watch joshi wrestle 90% of matches against gaijin. The Ohtani comparison is also ill advised, people know MLB is the place to be for baseball but NOBODY in Japan thinks WWE is the best place to have good matches.
This is further shown by the fact that even WWE fans really don't care about the match itself, it's about the promo. Crowds are dead during matches in WWE, you can hear a pindrop through the entire match; even guys like Seth who should get pops during their matches only get pops due to their catch phrases and singing the music
The Golden era did not have good matches either, but crowds popped about everything. Even during the matches, people were communicate, crowds gasped and tried to warn the wrestler if the bad guy was running down the ramp to beat their asses.
This not only applies to the average wwe mark jeet, but also to the /pw/ midwit; even people here really don't care or discuss the match itself. This a difference to the two other countries with a tradition for wrestling