>>9545010>>9545027>Before you go I have one last thing that I want to say to you>you've gone out of your way to be spiteful and vicious, well, I can be spiteful and vicious too, which is why I'm going to tell the whole world who Holly Hope-Again REALLY is>not too long ago someone came into the dojo with flu and almost everyone went home sick>everyone except you and I>you were lifting and I was rolling a truck tyre when a man walked in off the street, a lawyer>he gave me some paperwork and told me that my... *Amy struggles to find the words*
>grandfather had passed away*pauses and looks away from the camera*
>my world crumbled around me and my legs went numb but before I fell someone caught me>it was you*Amy kneels down in the ring to make eye contact with Holly*
>you sat down with me on the floor of the gym and you said three words to me that I'll remember for the rest of my life, you said; "I got you">I laid on the ground and you sat next to me for almost an hour, in total silence>when I sat up you looked at me and with the biggest smile on your face you called me "cry-clops" and I laughed and then I cried>you were there for me, because you're a good person and it was the right thing to do*Amy stands up again*
>not long after that we got booked, the rookie fourway, we were all so excited to finally get our opportunity to shine>I won that match and when we walked though the curtain I immediately shook Karna and Rabbit's hand >but when I went to shake YOUR hand...>you walked right past me...>and when I called out to you...>you turned to me with a look of absolute disgust on your face and you said nothing>Why?>because I won a match and you didn't?>would it make you feel better if I told you that you broke my heart that night?>how many times would you need to pin me before you'd be satisfied?>if I beat you again would it FINALLY be enough to knock that chip off your shoulder, or are we going to do this little dance forever?