Quoted By:
*Pulls out cigar*
>Lets get one thing straight daddeh. I've come to thith federation not to become the heavyweight champion for just mythelf... But for the state of professional wrestling ath a whole. You thee, professional wrestling is ditheathed baybeh, rotten to the core. Fuck the thlime, fuck the Flippy shit, fuck the Joshi shit and all the retht of it, fuck this AEW/ WWE cola war crap. You thee I have a dream. To make professional wrethtling great again. Let's get one thing straight daddeh, I'm not a superstar. I'm a professional wrethtler. In the thport of professional wrethtling. And I'm going to pull this awful buthiness out from the roots. And rebuild it, into thomething evolved but untamed. Where only the strong thurvive, and the weak are put back on the midcard ya dig baybeh?