>>9649359It wasn’t a comic book writer. It was the guy who wrote Kane’s movie See No Evil. It was a pitch for Heidenreich, he would be known as Baron Bon Bava, but yes, a Nazi Superman frozen by scientist to restart the reich in the future. Heidenreich was his shoot name and of course he’s a big giant aryan looking dude so it inspired the writer to think about a “Hidden Reich”, which apparently would have been the name of his stable as he converted the roster to join his Hidden Reich. Paul Heyman, who’s mother allegedly was imprisoned in the alleged Holocaust would have been his first convert and his manager. The writer kept hammering home his brilliant idea, that if they never said the word word Nazi, they could get away with it. They could wear the uniform, a red armband, everything just as long as they never said the word Nazi. To demonstrate he jumped up from the table and started goosestepping around the meeting room in front of Vince, Steph and the rest of creative. Marching and yelling what’s this remind you guys of huh?? He sat back down and Vince just grabbed his jacket and left. Left the whole building and didn’t come back. Prichard said that he thinks it was a rib by Heyman who told the writer it was a great idea and to push it farther and that he wanted to be a part of it and to make sure he was really animated during the pitch because Vince respects confidence and conviction. Kek.