Quoted By:
>dumb stupid zoomies think something rare = valuable or worth anything
>saying something is worth 5m but it sold for 150k
then it was worth 150k
1. something is only worth what some retard will spend on it.
If paul is the only guy buying these things for millions, nobody else will get that price for one unless HE is buying.
2. most of this shit is money laundering like what happens in the art world.
3. there is a much bigger market for art or cars. They only made 50 MC12s and they are only selling for 4 mill and they are actually desirable and the market is way bigger.
anyone can say "lel I PAID $X for this!".
it doesnt mean they did, and if they did, you dont know if its for publicity or laundering and the guy he bought it from isnt sending him a cheque back or buying $1m worth of his energy drink or whatever the fuck he sells.
you zoomies are dumb