>>10599517As her mother is downstairs getting a job, Sapphire makes her way up to the top floor executive office, letting the guy at the desk know she's expected for a meeting with Thea Thority.
>TT: Please, have a seat Jennifer.>Jen: I'm fine here, thanks. What did you want to see me about?>TT: We've been conducting an audit recently,. and your name, despite being in the later half of the alphabet, happened to come up at the top of the list for some reason.>Jen: So? What does an audit have to do with me? I'm not in accounting, my payroll is all above board.>TT: It's come to our attention that you have a... shall we say, unfortunate set of circumstances to your name that may warrant further investigation, if discovered by those looking into such matters.>Jen: And? I think most everyone in the WWA has. >TT: But your list, is quite extensive. Shall we go down the list?>Jen: I have a feeling you're going to whether I say okay or not.>TT: Great! First is your attacking of the local homeless population, domestic terrorism in the form of the purple rain incident, a glitter-bomb being set off whilst you were trespassing, attacking backstage staff member Hugh Mann, twice. Attacking office staff members, committing acts of terrorism abroad when you went on your little castration spree, and when you snuck slime onboard the plane.>Jen: That wasn't me, that was Onigiri!>TT: and yet, you were in control of the slime that fell from the rafters before your cage match were you not? As I was saying... politicking to get on the Onsen memorabilia, conspirac->Jen; Conspiracy? I'm a conspiracy VICTIM!>TT: Grand Larceny >Jen: But i've never stolen anything!>TT: Out records show you've stolen a phone from fellow roster member Lucy Lincoln, the ring gear of several WWA talent, the physical rookie cup, head off a statue gifted to Priscilla Divine...>Jen: Wait wait wait... these are all Steeli's crimes! [1/2]