>>4644451Yes. He's always been in my Top 3 all-time favorites even at his very worst. Loved Hogan from when I was old enough to form memories.
On my mom's rural trailer-dwelling side of the family in northern Florida, I had an awesome bumpkin uncle named Herman who was missing three fingers from separate work accidents and thought wrestling was real, and I remember him being pissed Hulk had come to WCW. He was in to old-school wrasslin' and was steadfast in believing that cartoony WWF was phony fake shit but the other promotions were real (an interesting but popular stance that's been lost to time thanks to the death of kayfabe). I didn't understand why he was mad back then, and I thought Hogan in WCW was fucking great. As I got older and PG Cena took over the WWE, I finally understood why my uncle was upset about Hogan.
RIP Uncle Herman (The Herman Tank). Miss you. Hard to believe you'll be gone 15 years this May.