Quoted By:
>How the fuck can people even contemplate living with the knowledge that this girl will never be your girlfriend. There's a reason monasteries don't allow women anywhere near them, and it's because they remind the men there how fucked they are without a meaningful loving relationship in their lives. This girl has literally ruined my day through her beauty, and I know tomorrow will be a bad day due to my being unable of dismissing her image from my mind. I am so attracted to this girl and there is nothing I can do to prevent myself from feeling this way. I am incapable of articulating how torturous it is for me to accept this. The likelihood that I will continue to live alone, longing for a love that I will never be able to achieve, makes me so unhappy that I know I won't be able to exist much longer if life continues this way.
>This girl, this princess of light, this cherub whose feet I would bathe and whose forehead I would kiss each night as though she were my daughter, my lover, my mother and my friend simultaneously and without contradiction. I would absolutely make you love me and any struggles you are likely to face would be faced with the knowledge that I am standing by your side. I will never live a fulfilled and meaningful life with the knowledge, subconscious or painfully self-aware, that you are out there, probably in the United States, living your life beside another man, resting in his arms at night, thinking of him during your lonely hours, seeking him when you are in heat, whose children you will bear and whose family you will grace. The idea that his surname will replace your own, and not mine, makes me want to turn on the gas and selotape the windows and keyholes so my suffering will end as quickly as possible. I love you, my cherub and angel, my darling girl. I am one hundred percent serious when I say that I will love you until the day I am forced from this earth.