>>9776776"You didn't give me a time to wake up."
"Dawn. It no dawn."
"Give me a fucking schedule then, geezer."
Her use of the profanity caught her a wallop on the back of her head. Being punished physically was not new to Maria, she was a good Catholic girl. A closed fist blow to the skull from an old man, however, that was new. She reeled. The Argentine grasped at the railing.
"Treat me with respect or go home to Mexico."
"Same shit, I do no care. You luchador. Come here to play as real fighter."
Maria turned around, eyes blazing, "I am a real fighter. I trained for yea-"
"You no train in long time. No ever fight properly, amateur bout, against weak opponent. Nothing. Not real. You want know how to fight, I teach proper."
Maria sniffed, folding her arms in defiance.
"Attitude no good here, girl, all matters is fight."
Maria opened her mouth to speak but found the man had cut her off before she could harness a word-
"You waste today. Tomorrow, dawn, we train, in gym. You train good enough, we enter you in real fight. Local fight."
The wrestler seethed silently, nodded, then stormed off down to the river to sulk.