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Hey brother thanks for coming in. I heard you are still bilking that Paki mark dork for all he's worth. Thattaway brother. That 120 pound sack of flyshit wouldn't know a wristwatch from a wristlock hahahhaha
Anywas today's special is the "Kevin Nash." We take two brittle white buns, cram them full of African sweetmeat, and spray the whole thing down with hot mayo. Get it on a hero roll for $19.92.
Afterwards come by the mansion, I got 4 extra tickets for tonight at the Manasquan VFW on the shore. I'm in a 2 outta 3 against "Dirty" Danny Delgado then Cross-Eyed Billy is coming through the locker room with an eight ball of some stepped on Panamania shit that should get us through the night. We'll take a couple rats from the show down to Jenks in Pt Pleasant. It'll be a gas brother.