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Let's just say i'm somewhat close to CM Punk so here's some scoops i'd like to share
>Punk had two salaries, one as performer and the other one as booker
>despite some reports saying Punk is not suing he has at least considered it, he's currently in talks with his lawyer
>Punk called Tony a "fucking idiot" during the backstage brawl at wembley
>Punk texted Perry the day he got fired (someone provided him with Perry's number, can't tell you who it was as this person is under aew contract) just to call him a little pussy. Perry no sold and blocked him
>while not shocked by his release Ace Steel still asked "why", he was told he was part of a deal that was now over. he has no plans on suing but will support punk in case he decides to sue
>Punk has said Tony would text him casually, as in not business related. He thought he was an "odd fella" and also said "i think he believes we're buddies and shit, it's just business for me"
>Punk had open mic the day he debuted but was told by Tony Khan to trash WWE, Punk asked what he wanted him to say and Tony replied "whatever comes to your mind, you're the MC (yikes!) today. just trash them"
That's all for now