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[Lone Spider and Wolf] 1/3
Kumome spends another day training at the Super Private Investigation, Dojo, and Espionage Recruitment Center.
After a long session of training she sits down alone under a tree to eat her bento box.
Another day where there are leftovers from her lunch.
Another day that she came prepared, hoping to find someone to share it with...
Her solo training session begins, this time in her father's dojo
>Kamome Kamome: You must get faster! See the projectile before it leaves the opponents hand!
>Kumome Kumome: I'm trying, but I can't see the future!
>Ka: You don't SEE the future, you predict it, Kumome!
Again he throws kunai at his daughter, five of them in quick succession.
She manages to deftly avoid the first four, however the last one hits her in the thigh and sticks.
Blood begins to drip down her leg, adding to the blood on the floor from when one hit her in the upper arm earlier in the session.
>Ka: Faster! Every bit of damage you suffer in a fight will only serve to weaken you!
>Ku: Why can't we just spend time together like a normal family?!
>Ka: One day you may be the one to carry on this House, I'm afraid your brother won't be up to the task.
This time, her father pulls out ten kunai...