>>9288062I suppose it's only fair if I answer this myself too:
>Hard to say, got a few favorites I always love to see MM, Zuni, Skelly, Strapz and BIG GAL>Lillith>WARHORSE>Mighty Milf V Zunight (personal bias on this one)>A test match that will never see the light of Violet (No not that one) V Wild Emerald in a Hell in a Cell. Violet threw Emerald trough the side, they both climbed the top. Violet took Emerald's finisher from the top of the cage, trough the roof and back down into the ring. She still kicked out at two.>Ladder match. Wish I could re-record that one.>Main event finish.>Already gave my two cents in feedback a few threads back from a showrunner's perspective.