>>6103506Atom Smole gets go away heat from me brother. Booker doesn't understand that wrestling fans aren't the same people they were 20 years ago. Now smarks run the joint and they are all skinny fat Manlets in their late 30s that didn't even watch wrestling when it was populated by high test entertainers. These newer fans likely started watching around the cm punk era and take immense joy in being the smarkiest fucking dorks possible that know all the ins and outs about some manlet wrassler's political views and video game preferences. These smelly smarks live vicariously through skinny fat manlet charisma vacuums and tell themselves, "I can relate to this...Now this is wrasslin. FIGHT FOREVER!". large tough guys make them feel emasculated. It reminds them of the casual fans that made fun of them in highschool.
What we need are more wrestlers willing to talk shit to the fans. These stinky skinnyfat manlets need some real heat. I don't mean the bullshit generic insults about sports teams and all that lame shit. These limp dick and limper twisted cacophony jabronis need to be reminded that they need to be this tall to ride this ride. They also need to stop reading gay magazines. Finally, for the betterment of all they should hit the weights, hit the showers, and get a clue.