>>6785291It's not that rare at all. Even in the same company The Factory are a quintuple Janetty. They're even more Janetty than the Undisputed Elite too. And if you count Negative 1 as a member then the current line up of the Dark Order are also quintuple Janetties. In fact before they fired half the faction they were an actually pretty damn rare case of octuple Janetties, and that's not counting Negative 1 who raises the number to an astronishing NONUPLE Jannetty. If you count every established member the faction has ever had throughout it's lifetime and include Brodie Lee then the number goes even higher to 10 Janetties: that's a DECUPLE Janetty! And then you could go one step beyond that and include faction-adjacent wrestlers like Hangman and Tay Conti to achieve duodecuple Janetty status or even the so-called "creepers" that used to swarm the ring when Dark Order was just the team of Uno and Grayson, and that could leave you with anywhere from a sexduple to a anus rupturing VIGINTUPLE Janetties! Or maybe even more!
It really makes ya appreciate what a truly dimeless group of shitters this faction is.