>>12490386>Tamvery strong case, being the first double champion in Stardom history and basically being booked like the female Roman Reigns (minus the drawing power), though her late injury and being the top player during an ice cold period might dissuade people
>Suzudid fuck all except win a tournament that everybody knows she wasn't going to win if not for Saya dying and got a wet fart reaction, why is she even up there as an option?
>Giuliared belt reign sucked, nobody cared about her stupid Ice Ribbon rivalries. Obviously has one foot out the door and has been phoning it in as the champion of a third tier belt that nobody gives a single shit about
>Mizukinobody cares about Teej, sorry
>Saorione of the best freelancers right now and has consistently good matches, but not being signed to a company means she'll never win a relevant singles title with a relevant company
>Sareeesame situation as Saori, though if there were a category for comeback player of the year she would easily win it
>Rinadeathmatch shitter, automatically disqualified because it's not real wrestling
>IYOthe strongest candidate right now, but with how shitty Damage CTRL was booked and made to look like total jobbers early on in the year her strong run lately might not be enough
my pick would be IYO, but it's probably going to be Tam