>>15468680scripted AND rigged, clueless retard. i'll prove it quickly, but you'll still keep your faggot head in the sand.
>2020 "general election">PA, WI, MI AND GA violated the equal protections clause act of the 14th amendment by giving big city counties one set of laws and all other counties another set, directly violating the law saying that all counties must have laws applied EQUALLY>PA, WI, MI, GA, AZ, NV AND NM violated the 12th amendment clause that enumerates the power to appoint electors to the STATE LEGISLATIVE BRANCE. those 7 states sent electors appointed by the STATE EXECUTIVE BRANCH, meaning all 7 of those states' elections were CONSITUTIONALLY ILLEGAL>mike pence specifically violated the 12th amendment clause that gives the power of deciding legitimate electors to the president of the senate aka THE VICE PRESIDENT. upon receiving competing sets of electors, the VP must send the decision to the house for a contingent election. this didn't happen at all, meaning he violated his oath to officeyou know nothing about rationality as you're simply too ignorant and stupid to actually pay attention. america is a banana republic and has been since at least 2020. pipe down and stop embarrassing yourself, retard.