Quoted By:
>I told the world that if you supported me on my journey that I'd repay you with sweat, determination and heart
>as you can see I'm pretty damn sweaty, I feel pretty damn determined and I remain Full Heart
>I had two matches in the same day and I beat four girls, all of them top tier talent and future legends
>it wasn't a fluke and it wasn't good luck, I'm 2-0 and I'm only getting started
>Karna, I never got to test you but I watched you push Holly to the limit and that's no joke
>I hope that maybe your opinion of us Dojo Girls has improved a little and I hope to see you sometime down the road
>if you ever see me in the dojo I'm sure we can teach each other a few things if you're up for it
>that brings me to Ranger Rabbit
>I'm sorry your debut went the way it did but I'm gonna need you to buck up
>your story has only just begun and you can't give up just because the first step was difficult
>there are girls in this company who are a lot more vicious and cruel than I could ever be and eventually you're going to have to face each and every one of them and they're going to tear you apart if you don't get stronger
>I'm saying this not to kick you while you're down but because I WANT YOU to be the BEST VERSION of Ranger Rabbit possible
>I'm running towards my goal and I want to see you running towards yours
>Holly, I know you're gonna get mad at me for praising you but I watched the tape and you had my number
>I had no answer for you
>you're legit
>but you're also a hothead and the only reason you didn't get YOUR hand raised is because you took your eye off the ball
>don't stomp around the locker room shouting and slamming things around and don't blame Ranger Rabbit for YOUR mistakes
>I don't think we're ever gonna be friends but if you want to fight again, one on one, I'll be happy to go another round with you because, as they say, steel sharpens steel and I'm only getting stronger