Quoted By:
>Claimed the vast majority if not all AEW critiques online were from bots WWE, and Vince, were paying to create
>admits that his booking decisions are influenced with wanting to win Memeltzer's Booker of the Year award and not to sell tickets or make the best use of talent
>claims and copes that he takes shots at the WWE because Warner Bros. gave him a book to read about competing
>Gave Atom Smol BAYBAY a fucking 7 year contract to basically support his Twitch gaming platform, and his fight with anorexia
>Bought ROH, a dead fed with literally no roster at that point, a library of footage that was filmed on a state of the art potato for more money than your average hamburger. Whether it was $4 or $40 million is simply a question of how much dick he took in getting raped, not if he got raped
>Spent $100 million on a branded wrestling game with an engine, mocap, moveset and graphics from an early '00's WWE game, just so one of his EVP's could fulfill a life long larp
>Put his women's belt first on Atom Smol's wife to entice Smol to sign a 7 year contract. Shittaker then got an inflated head thinking she was an actual needle mover who could go in ring.
>Then put the title on a prostitute mexican who sandbagged people and made merch about it
>Had one his talents call him a fucking mark on TV, leaving everyone wondering if it was a work or shoot only to cool off any heat it generated by putting him in mothballs for months with no resolution to the initial act
>Finally made his NJPW crossover event with zero build and twenty four 6 man tag matches
>Signed Dbry, and then had him do exactly one good match with Omega before having him job to a slippery slide of dipshits that ended with Daniel "Imma twink" Garcia
>had Jeff Hardy carny his way out of WWE to join his brother, so they could be fed to the Bucks only for the match to be hotshotted onto TV before Jeff got arrested again for relapsing