>>13947651It was legit good. The whole angle with him slowly getting fed up with Corbin and the blow off match was all good but it just fell flat like 2-4 weeks after it. He lost the suspenders, became really fucking generic and wasn't featured in anything.
The overall feeling was like Corbin did everything to put the guy over as a character and a good worker - but what they got out of it as a reward was a terrible retooling of Corbin (and later a one way ticket to Florida ) and Madcap getting limboed into the name/gimmick change dimension with nothing handed to him until he got let go.
And fucking look at it: I don't know if it was Vince/Pritchard dementia booking or what but who the hell establishes a new face and then turns to the guy who put the new guy over and pairs him with JBL. Yeah, he's only been in the company for 10 years Vince, really good use of JBL's talents and time. Forget about the new guy and put the rookie push on a vet.
And then Trips got the book and continued to not give Moss anything like he was scorned for him getting even mildly over without him.