Quoted By:
>You really mean it?
The man towering over her nodded his head
>If I sign this, I can go home...
>B-but there's just one thing sir,
>This letter
Red looked down at the parchment sprawled on the floor beneath her. Under it laid a folder full to it's brim. The letter reads
"I, Julia Widdle, being of sound body and mind, do hereby declare and submit the following evidence as a vote of no confidence against The Queen and her eldest child, The Princess. My vote of no confidence and the surrounding evidence is backed by Kingdom communal senator, Roger Creampoof.
The following folder contains numerous accounts of the incompetency and cruelty of both mother and child that led to the recent Famine Crisis, my own kidnapping, the recent explosion of a hospital that injured dozens, a serious incident at the Entertainment club Xctacy and many such other atrocities experienced by me first hand as the Princess' closest retainer.
It is the wish of myself, Mr Creampoof and his monarchy independence party that The Queen is diposed of her position as head of state and that following a democratic elective, a new leader is positioned in her place. It is our wish that following this removal, both Her Majesty, The Princess and other retainers of their party (inc. WWA wrestler Lillith) are trialed and punished to the full extent of The Kingdom's law for their grave sins against this nation and it's people.
>A lot of this...it isn't true...