>>5982470>>5982471>>5982481It revives his feud with Tana
Remember, the backdrop of their WK match was their different outlooks on wrestling
Of course whatever real tension there was it was hammed up for the big scripted fight
But I don't doubt that irl Tana hated Kenny's style, antics, storytelling, his video game and meme shit
Kenny probably thinks Tana is a boring old fart with no balls and no vision
Kenny then left NJPW to start AEW. AEW was born out of Kenny and the Bucks leaving NJPW because they felt they had outgrown NJPW / NJPW was stifling them (and of course Cody trying to get WWE to want him back but that's a gay side issue lol)
Tana then took Ibushi under his wing. Ibushi is strong allies with Tana now. But Kenny is is lost love...
AEW vs NJPW is literally Kenny vs Tana taken to the next level
Ibushi caught in between both guys.
And on a wider roster level, with cross-attacks and bad blood, they can right the wrongs of (((Vince McMahon))) and do a proper Invasion arc. Up until now it's been all *laa laa laa muh sportsmanship*. Kenny's return sounds the bell for it to turn into a war.