>>16092650Yeah, there was a great thread a while back where people were going over how AEW had lost its vision. There was a point someone had made, from
https://archive.palanq.win/pw/thread/15001217/#15001217>one of the low-key attractions of AEW was the 80s underdog sports film vibe it had. These plucky undesirables were taking on the sleek, polished, highly corporate WWE machine. You grew attached to many of these literal whose and watched them develop, find their characters, and grow. Despite some of the speedbumps, and odd pieces of booking, we got some kino as fuck long-term storylines, matches, and people gained affection for this group of misfits.>Remember what I said in my first post about the 80s underdog movie? It was as if TK watched those movies but concluded that the problem was the characters discovering themselves and overcoming the odd - nah, fuck that, just buy the players from the other team!