>>13789311>Ojama/rovertIs a lifeless disabled NEET who is the chief TKDF member of the board who spams slides all day and posts low effort spam all day to slide. This may be more than one person rumored to be in a TKDF discord, but the sameness of the cope posts seem to have 1 person behind them (which used to be more obvious when you could watch the IP counter)
>Bitchtits/coontitsThe other is the made up boogeyman the Ojama/Robert calls all the people who make fun of his cope as.
>If you've ever made fun of AEW or defended WWE you have been called "bitch tits" or this week's new "coon tits">If you've ever made fun of WWE or defended AEW you may have been called "Hog Wheels/Rovert/Ojama"If you've been called both your the exact person I want on this board.