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Go outside and do shit. Look if my ass can get laid by multiple girls and find one to settle down you can at least find yourself a handjob stop spending so much time doing the things you enjoy in life that are not getting you laid. You post on the internet too much, you play video games too much, you watch more porn than should be humanly possible. You post on a website thats highly negative, with crabs desperately trying to keep all the other crabs in the bucket of shit. Do you want to find someone go out to a bar, get a job that has a lot of coworkers or works with the public, flirt even if you dont want to date a girl or even sleep with her just talk to more people.
Stop being so socially awkward and woe is me, I get it lifes fucked and its kicked you to the curb and left you to rot while others seemingly prosper effortlessly. Why let these things damper your flame when they should ignite that fire to achieve despite it all. You can, no ones going to fucking help you because thats not in your cards right now or maybe it is.
You need to change, change god dammit.
Have sex.
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