>>9614720Okay, as a New Japan guy, let me middle of the road this for you fucking console war autists. This was a good chance to put Cody super fucking over, true. It would have made him a star.
Counter points. 1. He's the same age as Roman, not exactly building a 'future star'. This wasn't 'The moment' where they put over a Mid 20s Okada and heralded the coming of the next Ace. Making Cody here would've been big, but not as big as people seem to think.
2. He lost, doesn't mean he's done. This could just be the start of a longer feud, Roman could easily lose the title at Summerslam or something. WWE has more then one big show a year, even if Wrestlemania is the biggest. It's not uncommon for super long reigns to end not at a Mania, but at one of the other big shows.
3. If i've learned anything from Mister Gedo's wild ride is that good bookers always have a long term plan. WWE Creative could absolutely have a long term plan in place here, to crown someone else. Or they could just fucking retarded, it's WWE, flip a coin.